Digital Hoarding: a simple File & Bookmark organizing technique
Never get lost in a sea of bookmarks again
I confess to being a digital hoarder.

As of this morning I have 8,908 bookmarks in my browser and 516,842 files on my hard drive. And I can find anything I need quickly and easily!
This is because when things started getting out of hand I started organizing it according to a system I devised that made sense to me. In pursuit of forging a legacy that will overshadow every invention of the last century, I am naming this organizing technique ✨ The Biswas Technique ✨.
How does ✨ The Biswas Technique ✨ work?
My approach is basically syncing the folder structures used by your bookmarks, with the folder structure used by your files. Here is a glimpse of what I am talking about:

You can see how the two trees mirror each other.
This is at the top level, within these you nest away and away. The two remain in sync forever, so you know where to find stuff in either tree.
That’s it.
Pros and Cons of the system
- Files and Bookmarks are located in identical spots
- Items are located alongside/below/above related items
- Initial setup is time-consuming
- Requires occasional maintenance
That’s all there is to the ✨ The Biswas Technique ✨. Thanks for reading and shoot over any questions on my Twitter @yallcantspell 😃